
The Society aims to stimulate pride in the local architecture and historic character of the East Neuk, and to act, through our members, as a custodian of its unique character and rich architectural heritage. We do this by actively engaging with the planning process which has real potential to engage people in becoming actively involved in their community as well as managing development for the public good.

We are an active pressure group with a good relationship with Fife Council who respect the views of the Society on the planning applications sent to the Society for comment, particularly those relating to the conservation areas. We hope through our comments to encourage good design and high-quality developments which will improve rather than detract from the special charm of this area.

The Society's members play a key role in responding to development proposals, with Area Representatives appointed for each of the East Neuk's burghs and communities. Bi-monthly committee meetings are attended by the Area Representatives to review the planning applications, and the Society's responses are co-ordinated by ENFPS's Planning Convenor

Fife Council’s Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans for each of the East Neuk’s locations are available.