
To join the Society please complete and sign the Enrolment Form which can be downloaded using this link, and either post to ENFPS secretary Jane Forbes, The Priory, 16 Priory Court, Pittenweem KY10 2LJ, or scan and email to the secretary (See Contact Page)

If paying by post, please make out the cheque to “East Neuk of Fife Preservation Society (SCIO”) and address your letter to the Treasurer: David Jenkins, Carrick, Drumeldrie, Upper Largo KY8 6JD
If paying by bank transfer, ENFPS’s account no is 16067868, sort code is 83-24-24, bank name is RBS, Kirkcaldy Branch, account name is East Neuk of Fife Preservation Society (SCIO). Please provide your surname as reference to allow tracking of who has paid. 

Please contact the Treasurer if you wish to set up a standing order. Annual subscriptions are £20 per person, Joint membership £35, Life membership £300 per person, £525 for joint membership (Two people at one address)..

If you pay your subscription annually and are a taxpayer, you can assist the Society by completing the Enrolment Form which includes a Gift Aid Declaration form and then either post to the treasurer or scan and email to the treasurer. (See Contact Page)


Enrolment Form